What can Home Care Package funds be used for?

How to spend your Home Care Package funds
We understand it can be confusing to understand how Home Care Package funding works and what you can spend your funds on.

Here we explain what you can use your Home Care Package funds for and the items that are excluded.

Use our Yellow Door Care budget tool to work out a budget that suits your needs right her on our website!

How does Home Care Package funding work?
When you are assessed for home care, you will be approved for a package level with a different funding amount. The package levels are based on your needs and range from basic to high care needs.

The current package funding levels (as of June 2024) are:

Level 1 – Basic care needs $10,242.96 per year

Level 2 – Low care needs $18,014.36 per year

Level 3 – Immediate care needs – $39,202.80 per year

Level 4 – High care needs – $59, 430.28 per year

If you are eligible to pay an income tested care fee, the government subsidy is reduced by this amount.

Although you will be categorised into a package level, it doesn’t mean you spend your money the same way as other people on your level. How you choose to spend your funds will depend on your needs and the care plan you have developed with your package with Yellow Door Care.

You choose how to spend your funds. Yellow Door Care has a consumer directed approach to care which basically means: you call the shots. This means you have more choice, flexibility and control over:

  • the type of services you receive
  • how you receive those services
  • who provides those services
  • when you receive those services

Home Care Packages are flexible. However, the products and services you receive need to be directly related to keeping you well and independent in your home.

Common services and products include:

  • Bathing, hygiene and grooming,including help to get in and out of bed, into the shower and help with dressing.
  • Cleaning, laundry and chores to keep your home liveable, including making beds, dusting, vacuuming and mopping.
  • Maintenance to keep your home and garden in a safe condition,such as fixing uneven floors, cleaning gutters and yard work.
  • Changes to my home to maintain your safety, including installing grab rails, ramps and easy access taps.
  • Meals and food preparation to make sure you eat well, including meal delivery services and help with meal preparation.
  • Aids to help you stay independent, including bed rails, walking aids and pressure relieving mattresses.
  • Nursing to treat minor conditions at home, such as wound care, someone to help you take medication, and help with other assessments.
  • Allied health services to help you maintain movement and mobility, including podiatry, occupational therapy and physiotherapy.
  • Help with impairments, such as continence or dementia.
  • Transport to get you out and about, including a driver service, Cabcharge card or transport vouchers.
  • Social outings to help you stay connected, such as arranging activities, providing a companion or help to set up communication services to keep you in touch with loved ones.

What else can Home Care Packages be used for?
There may be other things not covered in the list above that your package funds may pay for.

These products or services must:

  • be linked to your needs and goals which were outlined in your care plan
  • improve your health and wellbeing
  • be necessary to help you live independently and safely in your home
  • be delivered in your home care package budget
  • be considered an acceptable use of government funds


What if I have other special needs and my Home Care Package doesn’t cover it?
The government also pays supplements to approved providers to help with some specific care needs. These care needs include:

  • Dementia and cognition supplement for people with moderate-to-severe dementia
  • Enteral feeding supplement for people who have a medical need for enteral feeding
  • Oxygen supplement for people who have a medical need for continual oxygen therapy.

What can’t Home Care Package funds be used for?
The government has a list of services and products that you can’t use your home Care Packages funds for. These include:

  • Items you would normally buy from general income
  • Food ingredients except as part of enteral feeding requirements.
  • Payment for permanent accommodation including helping buy a house, mortgage payments or rent
  • Payment of home care fees
  • Paying fees and charges for any type of care whether funded or jointly funded by the Australian Government
  • Home modifications that aren’t related to your care needs
  • Travel and accommodation for holidays
  • Entertainment activities like club memberships and sporting event tickets
  • Gambling
  • Payment for anything covered by Medicare of the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme.

Would you like to know more about Yellow Door Care and Home Care Packages? Call one or our Registered Nurse Care Coordinators on 8362 3033 here in Adelaide only.


What Services and Support Can I afford?

At Yellow Door, we understand that planning for home care can be both overwhelming and complex. That’s why we’ve developed an easy-to-use Package Calculator to help you create a customised care package that fits your needs and budget.

Explore our Package Calculator, an interactive tool tailored to help you navigate your government-funded healthcare options. Easily assess different service combinations, see how you can best use your allocated funds, and identify if you’ll need to cover any extra costs.

Self-funded? You can also use the calculator to get a clear picture of your typical healthcare spending. Make informed decisions about your healthcare with our straightforward and helpful Package Calculator.

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