Creating Boundaries during a crisis
Erica Fotineas2020-08-25T12:34:18+09:30Boundaries: when to call on this life-saving strategy. I was talking to a lady today who was absolutely exhausted from looking after her husband. He [...]
Boundaries: when to call on this life-saving strategy. I was talking to a lady today who was absolutely exhausted from looking after her husband. He [...]
Impending death It doesn’t matter whether you are religious or not, death and dying provoke a questioning of our spirituality, purpose and meaning. The person [...]
Alzheimer's There is no doubt that having a relative with Alzheimer’s is depressing and sad, especially when you meet other people of a similar age [...]
How do we find an ounce of happiness when going through the difficulties associated with illness, caring for others, struggling to get by or recovering [...]
Creativity There is a soul enriching reward felt when using our own two hands and creative urges to produce something worthwhile. Whatever we make, even [...]
Aging Have you watched the milestones of life come and go? Do you remember looking forward to being sweet sixteen, and now you have age [...]
Palliative Care Over the last several years, many articles have been written about the concept of palliative care. At its most basic, palliative care means [...]
Candle-light Candle light... it connects us to a way of life which now appears sentimentally quaint, but which we also seem to yearn for with [...]
Third Stage of Grief: Bargaining Bargaining: a reconnection with hope. Desperation is felt when all attempts of denial and anger have not amounted [...]
You don't need a religious affiliation to recognise a sense of soulfulness in the life we live. Confronting our mortality draws this soulfulness up to [...]
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