At Yellow Door, we are committed to providing our customers with exceptional products and services, and we understand that quality assurance is essential in achieving this goal.

At Yellow Door, we are committed to providing our customers with exceptional products and services, and we understand that quality assurance is essential in achieving this goal.

We know that you have plenty of choices when it comes to selecting a home care provider, so we work hard every day to make sure we improve the way we do things. One of our core values is that we strive to do better.

A big part of this is our Quality Assurance Program and the policies and procedures we have in place to reduce risks and enhance quality outcomes. As a registered provider under the NDIS and Aged Care Home Care Package Schemes, Yellow Door must comply with the NDIS Practice Standards and the Aged Care Quality Standards.

Through these publications, the Government provides a minimum set of quality and safety standards that a registered provider must comply with when delivering home care services and supports. Essentially these ensure that Yellow Door is a fit and proper operator and will provide you with safe and quality services and support. To test this, Yellow Door is subject to regular independent audits with respect to its compliance with both sets of Practice Standards. Our audit results speak for themselves and a copy of the latest My Aged Care Audit can be accessed here.

As part of its commitment to quality assurance, in 2019 Yellow Door also received a certificate of accreditation from the Australian Council on Healthcare Standards (ACHS) in recognition of its achievement of the Evaluation & Quality Improvement Program (EQuIP) standards and its commitment to continuous improvement in the quality of care, service and safety. ACHS is a national organisation renowned for its stringent criteria and highest standards of qualifications.

We are proud of our commitment to continuous improvement and adherence to well established practice standards in clinical and aged and disability care. We believe that this is the best way to assure you that you will receive high quality service from a safe provider.

Risk Management – You and your home

When you entrust Yellow Door with providing you with care in the home you can be rest assured that we will conduct thorough assessments of both you and your home so that we can properly manage and address the risks and hazards associated with your personal condition, circumstances and surrounding environment. All of our assessments are undertaken at your convenience within your home and by one of our friendly and dedicate Care Coordinators – all of whom have decades of clinical experience.

Our risk assessments are an integral part in the creation and design of your care plan. Where a hazard has been identified, we will ensure that with your consultation, appropriate risk treatment measures are implemented.

Our risk assessments also assist us to match you with one of our dedicated professional care staff and ensure that they have the training and expertise in the areas that you need, including clinical matters such as catheter or gastronomy care.

Yellow Door is extremely thorough with risk identification and the risk management processes which assists us in prioritising the safety of you and our staff.


Maintaining your privacy is an essential part of our service delivery to you. Yellow Door is committed to protecting your personal information (including sensitive or health information) in accordance with the Australian Privacy Principles contained in the Privacy Act. We have in place a comprehensive Privacy Policy to promote respect and care for the privacy of our clients and it details the way in which client information may be collected, disclosed, used, stored, accessed or handled by us.

Employee Screening

Yellow Door has a strict pre-employment screening policy to ensure that our staff have the appropriate clearances in place to work in aged and disability care. This includes attaining a National Police Check and confirmation that they hold an NDIS Worker Check

The NDIS Worker Check is a dedicated background screening product, designed to assess an individual’s suitability to work with people with disabilities and is also an acceptable clearance check for those providing aged care. It is a way to mitigate any risk posed to both workers and clients, and is handled directly by each state or territory’s NDIS Worker Screening Units. The NDIS Worker Screening Check is far more comprehensive than a National Police Check which is typically a ‘point in time’ check that focuses on a criminal record and contains a list of DCOs (disclosable court outcomes).

The NDIS Check factors in additional information about an individual and includes more risk factors than a Police Check. In addition to criminal history, the NDIS Check will also look at past employment details, any AVOs (apprehended violence orders), misconduct in the workplace, offences while the individual was a juvenile, and more.

This wealth of information helps the NDIS make a more informed decision when assessing the degree of risk an individual may pose when working with vulnerable people.

In some instances, further screening is required by Yellow Door.

Manual Handling Training and First Aid

All staff are required to attend mandatory Manual Handling training and First Aid training, and be aware of Yellow Door’s OH&S policies and responsibilities, emergency response procedures and documentation and communication policies associated with protecting the health and wellbeing of both themselves and clients.

Incident Reporting

Yellow Door realises that incidents will occur from time to time no matter how comprehensive it’s risk mitigations policy and procedures may be. In addition to ensuring it meets it’s reporting obligations to the disability and aged care regulators, incidents are also an incredibly important source of learning for the organisation as the often highlight gaps and areas for improvement. We therefore treat incident reporting and investigation very seriously and promote a culture of transparency and honesty within our staff so they have the confidence to always speak up.

Our incident management system includes procedures for identifying, assessing, recording, managing, resolving and reporting incidents. We record all these incidents and ensure we respond appropriately and take steps to prevent such incidents from happening again. Yellow Door also requires care workers to identify hazards and to report the hazard.

Yellow Door Client Charter and Codes of Conduct

The aged and those living with disability can be some of the most vulnerable members in our community. It is therefore essential that the highest standards of conduct and treatment should be expected by those receiving services from Yellow Door Care and everyone who is seeking or receiving care has certain rights regarding the nature of that care.

These are set out in Yellow Door’s Client Charter which incorporates the latest principles contained in the Australian Charter of Healthcare Rights. It allows clients, consumers, families, carers and providers to share an understanding of the rights of people receiving care and supports from Yellow Door.

In addition, the both the aged care and disability regulators have published conduct that apply to Yellow Door and we are committed to holding all our staff to these standards.

Complaints management

Yellow Door recognises that there may be times where the standard of care and services you receive from Yellow Door does not meet your expectations. As with incident review, we consider your feedback to be an important source of ideas for improvement and you can be guaranteed we will listen carefully to your complaints and do our best to resolve them as quickly and efficiently as possible. To facilitate this, we have a system for management and resolution of complaints about the supports or services it provides. For more information see our Complaints Management Policy document.


Insurance is yet another means of appropriate risk management in the provision Of Yellow Door’s homecare services and so you can be rest assured that we maintains current Professional Indemnity and Public and Property Liability Insurances for your peace of mind.