Yellow Door understands that your care and well being will sometimes require out of hours services including overnight to give you or your loved one peace of mind.

Yellow Door understands that your care and well being will sometimes require out of hours services including overnight to give you or your loved one peace of mind.

Night time can bring its own challenges as we age or if we are living with a disability. It can often be a time of restlessness of worry if you losing confidence in your ability to stay at home alone. Yellow Door caregivers are at hand to visit your home and provide overnight care and support.

Our overnight service provides much needed peace of mind and rest for your primary carer. Therefore, you can rest easy knowing that one of our qualified caregivers is available to call on if you need assistance.

In order to assist in managing the cost of overnight care, Yellow Door provides two different types of overnight support – active overnight care and passive sleepover care. When suitable, passive sleepover can provide excellent peace of mind at very reasonable rates.

Active overnight care
Active overnight care is when our caregiver remains awake all night to assist you and ensure your safety. This service is ideal if you have complex care needs that require assistance all night long. Additionally, it is suitable if you require medications at specific times through the night. Active overnight care is charged at the relevant hourly rate.

Passive sleepover care
Passive sleepover care is when our caregiver sleeps but is available to assist you up to 3 times through the night. This service runs from 10pm to 6pm and is charged at $280 each night. A passive sleepover service is suitable if you do not require consistent care and support during the night.

Overnight sleepover care is often a component of Yellow Door’s 24 hour home care.

Our overnight care services can be paid for privately, through your Home Care Package or through your NDIS plan if you are self-managed or plan-managed.

During an overnight visit, our professional caregivers can provide a variety of services including:

  • Turning and repositioning
  • Administering medications throughout the night
  • Ensuring hydration and regulating temperature
  • Monitoring vital signs
  • Assisting in and out of bed
  • Assisting to and from the toilet
  • Changing bed linens
  • Assisting with showering and dressing
  • Settling, calming and providing reassurance

View the other services we offer

Personal Care

Social Support

Domestic Assistance

Meal Preparation

Accompanied Transport

Hospital to Home Care

Respite Care

24 hour care

Overnight Care

Dementia Care

Palliative Care

Allied Health

In Home Nursing


Home Modifications and Equipment
