The Cure of Creativity
There is a soul enriching reward felt when using our own two hands and creative urges to produce something worthwhile.
Whatever we make, even if it isn’t perfect, contains within it the effort and determination of the person who made it. It is extremely satisfying to sit back and observe that thing you made, knowing that it did not previously exist, and it was not made in China on a production line, and it is completely unique.
Personal creativity versus mass production
The production line has largely killed off creative desire because of the glut of things which are easily bought with no effort made. The question can arise ‘what is the point, I can buy that…’
This Christmas my niece made us beautiful soy wax candles for gifts. The reaction to something she put time, effort and learning into could not be compared to any gift bought off the shelf. There was only admiration for her effort, and gratitude that she had shared her time and creativity with others. She of course was beaming with happiness.
This lovely old world experience has been lost amongst the bullying, in-your-face consumerism of our multi-media saturated life.
However, it is easy to revolt and rebel without any fuss and with the wonderful bonus of having learnt a new skill. This helps keep your brain active, alert, engaged and less inclined to boredom, lack-lustre enthusiasm and even melancholy. We need something to look forward to beyond work and the day to day.
Finding what suits you
“But”…is that terrible word which kills creativity and enthusiasm before it can even send up a tiny green shoot of new life.
Change it to …. ‘I choose….’ because if you’ve jumped instantly to ‘But’ it means you’re thinking of things to make which don’t fit you and your life.
There is something for everyone, whether you think you are just an academic or you’ve never made anything in your life before.
My husband discovered he loves doing lead-light much to his surprise, and made new friends at the same time. Friendships and socialising are frequently unexpected bonuses to creativity. When you are caught up doing something you love, time stands still and you are completely in the moment.
Brain development, emotional healing
Creativity is actually such a strong aspect of human nature, that if it is ignored, denied or squashed with ‘Buts’, we miss out on an opportunity for personal growth, emotional healing, brain development and an ingredient in the fountain of youth.
A friend at work said she didn’t have a creative bone in her body, but found that learning how to cook pulled her out of her depression and filled a void which benefitted her family and friends in the process.
Creativity is highly addictive! In a good way. It makes you happy, it gives you purpose and it benefits others. If you haven’t considered this aspect of yourself for a while, it could just be the remedy you’ve been needing.
Old world joys
Old world crafts and arts are being lost, but there are many people seeking to revive, save and pass them on. They came from the era of ‘the village’ when people lived and worked together more closely than they do now.
Knitting, crocheting, cake decorating, lead-light, beading, painting, stencils, making rag dolls, collage, pottery and candle-making – choose something that ignites a flame of desire, curiosity and eagerness within.
Make your own pillow-cases and see how they last for years, fit perfectly and bring just the right colours to your bedroom.
Try self-hardening modelling clay and make a French inspired hanging ornament. Or join a macrame class and start weaving and knotting with like-minded people.
Buy an old coffee table from a goodwill shop, buy some ingredients for chalk painting and create a rustic chalk-painted table, rubbed back and then buffed with sweet smelling canuba wax.
Or look for a patch in the garden which desperately needs your creative inspiration, cultivate, prepare and plan. Look forward to the change and enjoy watching the beautiful thing you have just made evolve.
Socialising for mental health
Creativity and classes bring out the best in people. Everyone wants you to do well, they share their own skills, encourage you when it’s getting difficult, teach you and guide you. And then you find yourself doing the same thing. Helping others and looking beyond your own needs is a natural healing mechanism for feeling miserable.
Go to your local library and grab an armful of older, out-of-print books which are filled with beautiful inspiring patterns, ideas, directions and recipes to create.
Get organised! Make a space for your work, Make lists, find supplies and become involved. Make your passion area into a place you can retreat to and nurtures your soul. Choose music that lifts your spirits and make playlists and stacks of CD’s just for when you are creating. Enhance this special time, and give yourself permission to have it.
That’s all it takes to bring new life, energy and a sense of achievement into your life. Beyond work. Beyond worry.
It is the perfect time to think about something which brings you joy, at the beginning of a new year of your life.
Happy New Year!
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